Eng. Jose Erwin Ochea Romina

Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering from University of Visayas, Philippines.

Senior Civil Engineer

MMUP Grade “A”

Eng. Romina a certified Civil Engineer of the Professional Regulation Commission of the Philippines and Member of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers.

An accredited Grade “A” Civil Engineer from MMUP, Qatar.  Eng. Romina has 26 years of extensive experience in the field of Civil and structural for mixed used buildings such as hotels, palaces and various residential towers.

As well conversant in the Quality assurance and Quality Assurance and Quality Control Supervisions, and in the conduct of HSE implementations.  Review and recommends as required in line with the Quantity Surveying and shop drawings.

Contact Address: P.O. Box: 3377, Doha, Qatar.
Email: j.romina@cecqatar.com.qa
Contact: + 974-44001174

Mobile: +974 – 6660 7010